武蔵 Musashi

A 雲切の里15 Kumogiri Village 15
B 富士見神社 Fujimi Shrine
 Item: 神通の剣 Jintsuu Sword
C まえばし町 Maebashi Town
 Item: 手押ポンプ Manual Pump
 Use against Clay Robo type enemies
- まえばし城 Maebashi Castle
 Sub-boss: 泥黒鬼 Deikokki
D おし町 Oshi Town
- おし城 Oshi Castle
 Sub-boss: 暗鉄鬼 Antekki
E いわつき町 Iwatsuki Town
- いわつき城 Iwatsuki Castle
 Sub-boss: 銀老鬼 Ginrouki
F かわごえ町 Kawagoe Town
 Item: 天照の石 Tenshou Stone
- かわごえ城 Kawagoe Castle
 Scroll: 有明 Ariake
 Sub-boss: 金剛鬼 Kongouki
 Sub-boss: 幻王丸 Gen'oumaru
 Use Tenshou Stone
 Boss: ベリエル Belial
G 江戸 Edo
 Talk to 月姫 Princess Tsuki near castle
 Go to large inn near entrance last
- 江戸城 Edo Castle
 Item: ヘビ玉 Snake Sphere
 Item: ナメクジ玉 Slug Sphere
 Sub-boss: 邪神斎 Jashinsai
 Boss: ルシフェラー Lucifera
 Last-boss: マサカド Masakado
 Use all 3 spheres in same turn

Xbox360 note- If there is a barrier in front of Jashinsai, make sure you have the 3 spheres and talk to the White Dragon again in Fuji.